A Bit About Us

We are a boutique film production company based in Chandler Arizona, the center of the “Silicon Desert”. We specialize in short films, features and documentaries. We bring stories to life and we are continuously looking for quality material to film and distribute. It is a fact that as more and more Video On Demand (VOD) providers emerge, the more content is required and where there is a need, Saguaro Films will be there to fulfill that need. So if you are a writer with a story, we can give your story substance. We will produce it, edit it and get it ready for distribution and distribution means revenue. So take your project out of the rat race of LA or New York and let the pros of Saguaro Films produce your project. Give us a call, tell us your story and we will tell you how we can help.

We value authenticity with creativity and value passion with purpose.
Insatiably we seek the “why”, our curiosity growing with each discovery.
Courageously we experiment, and let go of the unreliable and extraneous.
Relentlessly we evolve, improve and become more relevant.